
photographer, artist, designer

penge, london, uk

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photographs...of las vegas


20th June 2011

venetian hotel

this is the venetian hotel on the strip.

venetian hotel

this is inside the venetian hotel. like venice without the stink.

 little elvis

who said elvis had left the building? elvis lives,

though he has shrunk...

view up to paris

view up to paris on the strip.

tropicana hotel

the tropicana hotel, very stylish. we met bobby de niro here.

an ex-swimming pool

the pool at our hotel. deserted, hurrah...empty, boo

signs to the north of the strip

signage to the north of the strip

 welcome to vegas sign

the world famous welcome sign, style galore.

the mirage hotel at night

the mirage hotel from our hotel room.

 the strip

the strip at night, from our hotel room.

 pool at treasure island

this really is our pool at treasure island.

car park from treasure island

a car park from our room window

fireworks at the treasure island

we went to see the show outside our hotel. rubbish.

however, it did at least end with fireworks...

 red barn vintage sign

a neon sign renovated by the neon museum, more below...

 dog in gallery

this dog belonged to the trifecta gallery downtown.

we met a very friendly owner and saw some brilliant art there.

neon museum

we went to the neon museum. it was amazing. it is a graveyard where

old las vegas signs go to die and rise again. mitch showed us round

and he told some great stories and was a mine of information. brilliant.

 neon museum


all site contents © mark dyball 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012